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Enhance your mining operations with IoT solutions

Mine worker using IoT solutions from Bell to enhance operations.

Mine operators face the challenge of maximizing productivity while keeping workers safe in hazardous environments and supporting sustainable mineral resource development. Doing so in a complex mining operation requires a sophisticated blend of technologies, from communications to automation to data collection and more. The Internet of Things (IoT) has been helping mines meet that challenge.

As IoT solutions have evolved, so too have their capabilities. Now sites can take advantage of real-time, site-wide visibility into asset and worker locations, equipment conditions, energy use, the temperature and air quality of the environment, and more. Here are a few of the major benefits today’s IoT solutions can deliver for mining operations, and a look at why a private mobile network is key to enabling them.

Benefit 1: increased productivity

Real-time asset tracking solutions make it possible to quickly locate critical equipment and tools wherever they are, even if they are underground. This can save a lot of time, especially in sprawling mine sites made up of multiple levels and branching tunnels, minimizing productivity loss due to workers searching for assets.

These solutions can also track assets beyond a site’s perimeter, such as trucks moving inventory between locations. With this visibility, mining companies can ensure materials and equipment are deployed to the right areas at the right times for smoother, more efficient operations.

For instance, a company can monitor trucks, conveyer systems and other equipment that move ore and minerals from extraction points to processing facilities. They can also track haulers that move excavators, drilling rigs and other heavy machinery around the site or to a different one.

IoT solutions can do more than indicate where an asset is located. Condition monitoring sensors installed on equipment collect real-time performance data and detect wear, faults and abnormalities. These solutions automatically notify operators of potential issues so they can schedule proactive maintenance to prevent the equipment failure that leads to production delays.

Benefit 2: reduced costs

IoT sensors will generate actionable data from most types of mining equipment. Decision-makers can then draw insights from that data to optimize operations and ensure the company is maximizing the value of their assets.

Of course, predictive maintenance does more than improve productivity. Identifying and resolving issues while they are still small helps to minimize maintenance costs and extend the life of assets. This is extremely important when vehicles and equipment are subject to constant wear and tear in harsh environments.

Benefit 3: enhanced worker safety and site security

Workers at mine sites face numerous hazardous conditions. Adding to the dangers is the fact that mines are often isolated or remote, and workers sometimes need to carry out tasks alone.

Wearable IoT devices complement lone worker safety solutions, improving worker safety by monitoring vital signs like heart rate and body temperature. Other sensors monitor environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity and hazardous gas levels. Solutions like these can flag an unsafe environment or automatically notify supervisors at the first sign of distress – potentially keeping a need for help from escalating into a need for rescue.

Theft and unauthorized access also present significant challenges for mine operators, highlighting the need for a video security monitoring solution to enhance their security protocols. This allows for improved emergency response times by providing real-time surveillance of key areas within the mine and enabling the proactive identification of security breaches.

Benefit 4: greater sustainability

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards in mining continue to evolve, increasing pressure to be transparent in reporting, and to reduce the environmental impact of operations. IoT solutions can support in all these areas, including generating the data companies need to confirm compliance with regulatory requirements.

IoT-enabled air quality monitoring systems provide real-time insights into the presence of pollutants, while IoT sensors for water quality monitoring track critical parameters like turbidity and metal content to help aquatic ecosystems. Capabilities like these support compliance with environmental standards and laws, while also helping protect the health of workers and surrounding communities.

Finally, IoT-driven energy management systems help to optimize energy consumption and cut carbon emissions. By monitoring energy usage in real time and taking steps toward greater efficiency, mining companies can align their operations with their ESG goals and requirements.

How a private mobile network enables IoT

To take advantage of these IoT solution benefits, mining companies need the right kind of connectivity. Deploying a private LTE or 5G mobile network on-site delivers seamless connectivity throughout your environment, whether that is at the surface, or deep underground. A private mobile network can easily scale to support greater numbers of IoT sensors and devices as they are deployed.

Multi-access edge computing (MEC), which brings cloud processing capabilities closer to the mine site, is also essential. This facilitates the real-time data processing that’s critical for applications like condition monitoring and asset tracking. Robust outbound connectivity, through Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) and other means, is also required to connect to off-site offices and ensure consistent performance for IoT traffic.

Bring the benefits of IoT to your mine site with Bell

Bell can provide the best-in-class IoT and private mobile network solutions your operations need to reach new levels of productivity, efficiency, sustainability and worker safety. Our expert team and end-to-end services support you every step of the way, from initial design to deployment to ongoing management.

Visit our IoT solutions page to discover more ways IoT and Bell can support your business.