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Four reasons why modern mines need a private mobile network

Bell private mobile network used in mining environment.

From autonomous vehicles to digital personal protective equipment, today’s mining companies have access to a wide range of high-value applications that can improve productivity and worker safety. However, many mines still rely on Wi-Fi systems or public cellular networks that cannot offer the level of reliable connectivity or performance mining applications demand. An LTE or 5G private mobile network can provide that reliability in both underground and aboveground mining environments.

Tailored to each site’s unique needs, a private mobile network helps transform operations to reap the benefits of the latest equipment and applications. It does this by offering complete network control in addition to higher data speeds, lower latency connections, scalability, security and reliability.

1. Higher speeds and lower latency

Industry 4.0 technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, automation and augmented/virtual reality (AR/VR) can help mines reach new levels of productivity. These technologies demand the speeds and latency that public cellular networks cannot provide to remote environments. Public traffic can also have a negative impact on network performance, especially during peak usage times. Mine sites have very specific industrial use cases that require a custom and managed network, without interference from public traffic.

A private mobile network solves these issues by installing a dedicated wireless core and radio access network (RAN) equipment on site, providing the highest speeds and lowest latency across underground and open-pit mining areas. Capacity can be reserved as the mine sees fit, ensuring sufficient bandwidth for core applications. This could include autonomous vehicles that keep human operators out of harm’s way or AR/VR applications that enhance training by simulating scenarios in virtual environments that would be impractical or dangerous to test in reality.

2. Customizability, control and security

Because the mining company owns the network, it can customize and manage each site to meet its specific operational needs. This control also enhances security. Data sovereignty is guaranteed because all network traffic flows locally. Private mobile networks use 3GPP encryption, which is more robust than the standards and protocols used by Wi-Fi devices. Private SIMs also add an extra layer of security, allowing companies to tightly control network access by ensuring only authorized devices and personnel can connect.

Thanks to features like these, a mining company can easily and securely scale its private network to match the pace of its digital transformation strategy. This makes it possible to support growing numbers of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and autonomous machinery without any negative effects on performance or security.

3. Ubiquitous coverage

Wi-Fi is well suited to stationary IT applications in confined spaces, such as extending Internet access to employees in on-site buildings. Complementing Wi-Fi with a private mobile network is ideal when it comes to supporting mobile assets, whether it is an autonomous haulage system or a drone used to survey hazardous areas or inspect equipment remotely. However, with Wi-Fi alone, transitions between access points are not always seamless. Moving out of the range of one Wi-Fi access point and entering another can lead to interrupted connectivity as the hardware switches to the new signal.

Private mobile networks address this issue, providing seamless coverage across a target area and enabling uninterrupted connectivity as mobile assets move throughout the site. Comprehensive coverage is also critical to the many IoT sensors and devices that provide the continuous data collection to support better decision-making.

4. Unmatched reliability

Public cellular and traditional Wi-Fi networks cannot provide the mission-critical connectivity mining operations need to embrace the applications and tools driving Industry/Mining 4.0. Public network performance can fluctuate as traffic varies throughout the day. Wi-Fi deployments are often complex and require more access points, which means multiple potential points of failure increasing the risk of dropped connections. Wi-Fi devices are also subject to signal interface because they operate on unlicensed spectrum bands.

Private mobile networks provide the highest levels of reliability for the most vital applications and operations. They offer reserved capacity that can easily scale to support more devices. They also eliminate the risk of signal interference by running on dedicated spectrum. This makes a private mobile network ideal for supporting IoT applications like asset monitoring. It also supports robots and automations that can optimize processes and boost productivity.

The continuous connectivity provided by a private mobile network is even more important for solutions that help keep employees safe, such as site-wide warning systems that notify above- and below-ground workers of hazards like gas leaks, surface subsidence and dangerous water levels.

Why Bell is your ideal private mobile network partner

Fast, scalable, secure and dependable mobile connectivity is a must-have to boost productivity, improve competitiveness and maximize worker safety in hazardous mining environments. Developed and managed by the experts behind Canada’s best LTE and 5G networks, a private mobile network from Bell delivers high speeds, complete coverage, unmatched customizability and control, robust security, and mission-critical reliability in even the most challenging and remote mining locations.

To learn more about what our solutions can do for your mining operations, visit our private mobile network page.