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Leveraging IoT for smarter, safer and more sustainable mining operations

Bell employee in an underground mine looking at screens displaying information to ensure operations run smoothly

By Mark Rulli, Director, Sales

Mark Rulli headshot

Over the years, I’ve seen firsthand the benefits that the Internet of Things (IoT) provides to critical industries like mining. From sensors that provide data on predictive maintenance to asset tracking and management, IoT solutions work to maximize the value of your mine. Ushering in a new era defined by connectivity, automation and data-driven decision making.

Mines are some of the world’s most challenging job sites. It isn't easy to minimize operating costs, maximize productivity and stay compliant with evolving environmental and safety regulations. Powered by the ubiquitous and reliable connectivity of a private mobile network, the newest Internet of Things (IoT) solutions further improve the protection of workers, operational efficiency and compliance with industry regulations.

Below, we outline how a new generation of IoT solutions can support and enhance your mining operations:

  • Increased productivity
    With real-time visibility into asset locations across your site, you can minimize search times and productivity loss. Condition-monitoring sensors analyze performance data to detect wear, faults and abnormalities – and even suggest proactive maintenance to help prevent failures that lead to production delays. 
  • Reduced costs
    IoT sensors on mining equipment generate data you can draw actionable insights from to drive operational efficiency and maximize asset utilization rates. Through predictive maintenance, condition-monitoring sensors can minimize overall maintenance costs and extend the life of your existing assets. 
  • Enhanced worker safety and site security
    Wearable IoT devices can monitor the vital signs of workers, like heart rate and body temperature, and notify operators of assistance needs. Atmospheric sensors can monitor temperature, humidity and hazardous gas levels, and flag when an environment is unsafe for workers while video security monitoring solutions provide real-time surveillance, deterring theft and enabling faster emergency response. 
  • Greater sustainability
    Energy management systems, air and water-quality monitors and other IoT solutions can help reduce harmful emissions from mining operations, and isolate and mitigate contamination – supporting compliance with environmental regulations and protecting the health of workers and nearby communities. The data collected by these solutions can also help you be more transparent in your reporting.

To learn more about the evolution of IoT solutions in mining, and why a private mobile network is the key to enabling them, I would encourage you to read the full article.